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- TF01
- 3,Journey's End - Review
- 4,by Tim Lynch
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - "Journey's End"
- --------------------------------------------------
- Reviewed by Tim Lynch
- -----------------------
- Tim Lynch is one of the more well-known names on the 'net, writing
- his never ending series of reviews of TNG and DS9 episodes as they
- air in the states. Here's one of them...
- ----------------------------------
- WARNING: Once you've journeyed to the end of this article, you'll
- have encountered many spoilers for TNG's "Journey's End"
- along the way. If this path is not of interest to you, turn
- away now.
- Whew. Not stellar, but a *hell* of a lot better than "Genesis".
- Of course, that doesn't mean much. Still, it was very ... pleasant.
- More after a synopsis:
- The Enterprise is at starbase 310 to meet with Admiral Nechayev, and
- also takes on board Wesley Crusher, on leave from the Academy. While
- Wes quickly proves much more prickly and remote than usual, there are
- bigger problems afoot: Nechayev tells Picard about the new border
- arrangements with the Cardassians, and gives him the unenviable task
- of moving a colony now located in Cardassian space. The colony, on
- Dorvan Five, is an old American Indian tribe that left Earth to find
- a home centuries ago -- and the historical parallels of uprooting
- them due to a political decision are not lost on Picard.
- Once the ship reaches Dorvan, Picard meets with the tribal council,
- only to discover that they consider this planet home, for intangible,
- spiritual reasons far beyond the transient environmental issues.
- They do not intend to leave, but both sides agree to reconvene the
- following day and eat dinner at the Enterprise that evening.
- After a brief argument between Bev and Wesley (in which Wesley
- informs Bev that he might just possibly be tired of living up to
- expectations), the dinner commences. There, Picard talks to Anthwara
- (the tribe's leader) about the tribe's past and answers questions
- about his own family, and Wes too has a meeting -- with Lakanta,
- another colonist who tells Wes that he saw him in a "visionquest" two
- years ago, and knew that Wes would be coming, "to find the answers
- that you seek."
- As Jean-Luc tells Beverly that Wes must work out his problems for
- himself, Wes follows Lakanta down to the planet and asks Lakanta what
- to do next. Lakanta talks to him about the sacredness of everything
- on the planet, including Wes himself, and urges Wes to start treating
- himself with respect. Wes agrees, and the pair then retire to begin
- Wes's own visionquest.
- Picard and the council have yet to reach an agreement, and despite
- Picard's own moral objections to his orders, Picard informs them that
- "no" is not an acceptable answer. Anthwara, however, says that
- Picard won't use force -- in fact, that Picard is here to atone for
- the crimes of one of his ancestors, a Xavier Maribosa Picard partly
- responsible for the massacre of hundreds of their tribe nearly seven
- centuries ago.
- As if that weren't enough to drive Picard to distraction, three
- Cardassians suddenly appear down on the planet. Led by Gul Evek,
- they are there to do an advance survey of materials left behind, and
- do not intend to be deterred by a group of colonists that should be
- gone anyway. Picard allows them to remain, but informs Evek in no
- uncertain terms that until the border change takes effect, he will
- protect these people.
- In the "habak", the chamber where visionquests occur, Wes and Lakanta
- talk briefly of spirits that have visited before, and then Wes is
- instructed to start the fire and sit. Lakanta says that "I can open
- the door -- but only you can go through it," as the quest begins.
- Picard's attempt to plead for more time with Starfleet fails, despite
- Nechayev's sympathies. Wes, meanwhile, continues to stare into the
- fire, and suddenly sees a vision of his father, who tells him that
- he's reached the end of this journey, the one he's been on ever since
- Jack died -- and that "now it's time to find a path that is *truly*
- yours. Don't follow *me* any further." Wes wakes and returns to the
- camp, only to find Worf making surreptitious preparations to beam the
- entire colony off-planet. Appalled, Wes attempts to put a stop to it
- the easiest way he can: he informs the colony of Worf's actions,
- *very* publicly, and nearly incites a riot as a result.
- Picard is, to put it mildly, not pleased at this news, and tells Wes
- that his actions were completely inexcusable. He tells Wes that the
- morality judgement was not his to make, and that "while you wear that
- uniform, you will obey every order you are given." Wes agrees, but
- promptly removes his combadge and tells Picard he's resigning from
- the Academy immediately. He later explains this action a bit more to
- Beverly, who is very upset by it. Wes explains that Starfleet has
- never really been for him, but it wasn't until recently that he began
- to realize it -- and it wasn't until his vision that he actually
- accepted it. Bev, keeping in mind the Traveller's promise that Wes
- has a very different destiny in store for him, accepts this.
- Wes returns to the surface, only to find that two of the Cardassians
- have been taken prisoner by the colonists. With the situation
- growing more volatile by the minute, Evek (on the Enterprise meeting
- with Picard) prepares to order troops to beam down, rescue the
- colonists, and "occupy" the village. Picard protests, threatening a
- response that would lead to war. A Cardassian tries to break free,
- and a struggle ensues. Wes screams "NO!" and rushes to help --
- -- and finds that everything around him is frozen. He stands
- confused, until Lakanta (very much unfrozen) reassures him that Wes
- has simply stepped out of time for a moment, beginning a journey very
- few humans can take. Lakanta now reveals himself to be the
- Traveller, offering Wesley the chance to explore this new side of
- himself, with the Traveller as guide. Wes accepts, and the Traveller
- urges him not to interfere in this current fight, trusting them to
- work out their own problems. The two walk off, as the fight
- continues.
- At the last moment, Picard manages to convince Evek to avoid a
- confrontation by beaming up his officers (an action which Picard then
- repeats for the Enterprise crewmembers). The issue is settled: the
- tribe renounces its Federation citizenship, allowing them to stay
- where they are but putting them at risk for Cardassian interference.
- Evek, however, says that he believes they will be left alone,
- providing the tribe does the same. Evek leaves, satisfied, and
- Anthwara thanks Picard for his help, assuring him that he has erased
- the "stain of blood" that has been on his family for centuries. The
- Enterprise departs, but not before Picard and Beverly bid fond
- farewells to Wesley, who has decided to remain behind to learn what
- he can from these people before continuing his training with the
- Traveller.
- ----------
- Well, that pretty much covers that. Now, onwards:
- For the most part, I rather liked "Journey's End". I didn't love it
- -- there were a few things I wanted to see that weren't there, and
- the pace got a bit slow here and there -- but I liked it. It was
- pleasant, and I thought it was a nice farewell to Wes (whose presence
- alone guarantees that a fringe 10% or so of the net will hate it
- sight unseen).
- The main problem I had with the show, and the one thing that'll keep
- it from a very high rating, is this: there is a perfect point to tie
- into Wes's growing alienation, and a perfect reason why he might have
- been having added difficulties at the Academy. It's called
- ostracism; ostracism after turning in his teammates in "The First
- Duty". It was said even then that Wes was in for "difficult times
- ahead", and Wes *should* show signs of that strain.
- Nothing we see in "Journey's End", though, suggests that. The
- reference Bev makes to his Academy time suggests that he's been doing
- fine until the last semester, and Wes refers on at least one occasion
- to his many friends on campus. That makes it sound like "The First
- Duty" was removed from existence by the stroke of a pen -- and given
- just how excellent a piece of development that show was for Wes, and
- just how neatly it *could* have fit in here with minimal changes, it
- really hurts to see it ignored.
- That's my main gripe. "Journey's End" works just fine by itself, but
- it somehow feels like there's a big story we missed in between "The
- First Duty" and this to explain the changes. Without that
- explanation, this show feels like it was shoehorned in. That's my
- major gripe.
- Otherwise, I liked most of the show. I thought Wes's vision, while
- not quite as intensely dreamlike and weird as I might have made it,
- got the point across to both Wes and us with a minimum of beating-
- over-the-head (something which would have been very easy to do). Wes
- may not have understood what Jack meant immediately, but I did, and I
- was gratified to see the point wasn't belabored. (Besides, it was
- wonderful to see Jack again, even for a moment -- and even if he
- *does* look like MST3K's Mike Nelson. :-) )
- It was interesting to see Nechayev in a slightly more sympathetic
- role than usual, but I have to confess I didn't feel particularly
- sympathetic for her. Nogulich's delivery suggests unpleasant
- regardless of the intent, and I'm not so sure that's a good thing.
- (On the other hand, the mere fact that Picard has a "regular
- superior" is _so_ long overdue that I'm not going to quibble about
- this.)
- I liked the two major guest stars after Wes and Nechayev, those being
- Tom Jackson as Lakanta and Ned Romero as Anthwara. Both did a good
- job being enigmatic and frustratingly calm; while I'm not sure it's
- particularly realistic, it really _did_ work for dramatic purposes.
- (George Aguilar as Wakasa, the most hostile member of the council,
- however, has to go. Bleh.)
- I do think the whole "look, we're including Native Americans, aren't
- we wonderfully multicultural!" angle of the show was a bit overdone,
- however. First, it stuck out like a sore thumb -- I'm all for keeping
- cultural differences alive, but not when every scene featuring these
- people is saying "Look, we are a separate culture -- a culture that's
- not yours and that's separate, got it?" That's more or less what was
- here; thankfully, it was rarely the majority of any given scene, some
- of the early ones aside. Second, I'm not certain it's a particularly
- accurate portrayal; I don't know why, but I have that feeling. (My
- own contact with Native Americans has been exceedingly limited,
- however, so I'd appreciate comments from those with more experience
- than I on how well it worked.) As I said, it worked beautifully for
- dramatic purposes, and since I don't know enough of the reality to
- comment, that's all I can really talk about.
- As for Wes's final fate: works for me. I think there was a slight
- stretch to make the Traveller's comments applicable to here
- (remember, he's supposed to be a Mozart of _engineering and
- propulsion_, according to the Traveller way back when), but not
- enough to get me really concerned. I think Wes realizing that
- Starfleet isn't really for him is a very fair realization for someone
- who's been through everything this character has to make, and it was
- well executed in the bargain. (Truth to tell, I think it makes Wes a
- good role model: he's not afraid any more to admit making a fairly
- large mistake in living up to others' expectations. Then again, I've
- been reading a lot of Feynman lately, so I have a vested interest in
- anyone making the point that others' expectations can be
- unreasonable.)
- That's it. "Journey's End" is a pretty simple story, really, and
- works well for what it's trying to do. If nothing else, the utter
- lack of technobabble is a marvelous cure for "Genesis" overload.
- So, a few short points:
- -- An excellent detail which gave away Lakanta's identity earlier
- than planned. His statement about only being able to "open the
- door" for Wes, but Wes having to choose to go through is almost
- exactly the same phrasing he used when he discussed being able to
- rescue Bev in "Remember Me" three years ago. Sharp writing.
- -- Lots of detail problems in this show, though. Wes is wearing a
- third-year uniform (which might be a problem in itself, given that
- he allegedly had to repeat his first year two years ago), but Bev
- calls him a fourth-year cadet. The massacre Anthwara mentioned
- occurred in 1690, which he then calls *over* 700 years ago.
- Pardon? (The Traveller is also referred to as being from Tau
- Ceti, which is wrong.) Nothing earth-shattering in these points,
- but together they add up to being somewhat annoying.
- -- What's more, Anthwara's grandfather is said to have led the
- original expedition off Earth, 200 years earlier -- but that would
- imply (being generous and saying Anthwara's currently 90, and that
- the grandfather was young when he left, say 30) that his
- grandfather is a full 140 years older than Anthwara himself.
- Given long lifespans, it's not impossible -- but for a culture so
- deeply rooted in past traditions, it seems markedly implausible.
- Would there be a real problem in going back another two
- generations?
- -- I feel it should be made shown that the Wes as portrayed here
- *is*, more or less, my brother-in-law, except that Wes was a
- little more active in being p****d off at the world. Just a note
- -- and I hope he never sees this. :-)
- -- A familiar name in the "based upon material by" credit: Anatonia
- Napoli was the second name, but the first was Shawn *Piller*.
- Relative of Michael "Hi, I exec-produce" Piller?
- -- This is the second week in a row that we've seen virtually nothing
- of Geordi. Was LeVar busy during this time or something?
- That's about it. "Journey's End" isn't earth-shattering, but it's a
- nice bit of closure for Wes. More power to it on that level.
- So, wrapping up:
- Plot: Simple, and fairly tight. The one major objection is the lack
- of any fallout from "The First Duty".
- Plot Handling: The "we're multicultural, dammit!" bits were a little
- too much, but all in all nice.
- Characterization: Nice. A trifle sparse for everyone but Wes and
- Picard, but nice.
- OVERALL: Call it a 7. Pleasant.
- "There comes a time in a young man's life when he doesn't want to
- stay with his poor, senile mother; I understand."
- "I'll come visit you in the Old Doctors' Home every Sunday."
- -- Bev and Wes
- Copyright 1994, Timothy W. Lynch. All rights reserved, but feel free
- to ask...